Foundation News
Northwest Credit Union Association Offers Support to Alaska Credit Unions After Earthquake
Posted by Ben Shuey on December 4, 2018

Your Association stands ready to help during times of need.
The aftershocks in Alaska are still continuing to effect communities after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck near Anchorage on Nov. 30. The geographic proximity of this natural disaster reminds us all of how credit unions and the members they serve are only seconds away from a life-altering disaster.
As the neighboring Association that has enjoyed the participation of Alaska credit unions in many of our educational programs, our team has reached out to potentially impacted credit unions in the region to gather more information and offer support to our neighbors. After checking in with credit union CEOs in the Anchorage area, we are relieved to learn there are no reports of injuries to any of our credit union family members.
“We are deeply concerned for our credit union colleagues up north, as many of them have memberships that extend across the Pacific Northwest region, and we are staying in close contact as they bring their services back online,” said NWCUA President and CEO, Troy Stang. “We are ready to provide support and are continuing to keep a pulse on the situation. We will share any information with our Northwest credit union family as we learn it.”
The Association is proud of the business continuity of Alaska credit unions in the early stages following Friday’s earthquake. This is a good reminder to us and our member credit unions of the importance of having modern plans in place and exercised. Business continuity planning also applies to the Association and the Northwest Credit Union Foundation’s performance standards. We are ready to provide credit unions with member communications support and compliance guidance, among other assistance.
Please stay tuned – we will keep you posted as we learn more and if additional support is needed for our Alaskan neighbors.
Posted in Asset Building, Disaster Relief.