Foundation News
Credit Unions Encouraged to Share Their Community Impact Data by April 30
Posted by Ben Shuey on April 1, 2019

Credit unions across the Northwest are continuing to enter their 2018 data into the Community Impact Reporting Tool (CIRT) – an online platform that serves not only the individual credit union, but also the entire region by supplying data that underscores the Credit Union Difference.
As each credit union adds data, the capability to tell the collective credit union impact story continues to grow.
In order to most effectively tell this story, the Northwest Credit Union Association is asking all credit unions across the region to join CIRT and enter data by April 30.
“Every day we hear inspiring stories about how credit unions are impacting their communities in positive ways,” said Northwest Credit Union Foundation Executive Director, Sharee Adkins. “The Community Impact Reporting tool will enable us to not only share those stories, but support them with data that shows just how much credit unions do.”
CIRT is free to Association members. It collects data across a number of categories, including community development, lending, social responsibility, charitable giving, and volunteerism. A full list of data points and an FAQ are available online.
“While CIRT is casting a wide net to capture the unique and diverse ways credit unions are engaging in community impact work, we don’t anticipate that all credit unions will be able to report every piece of data,” Adkins said. “We ask that they give us the data they do have, starting with an essential top 10 data points.”
Those top 10 data points are also available online here. To sign up for CIRT, please fill out this online form. To get more information about CIRT, visit your Association’s webpage here.
Questions may be directed to Adkins at (206) 340-4823.
Posted in Community Impact Reporting Tool, Cooperative Development.