Foundation News
Access to Housing, Financial Literacy, College Savings – NWCUF and Partners See Strides in 2019
Posted by Ben Shuey on December 10, 2019

The Northwest Credit Union Foundation, in partnership with the region’s credit unions and community partners, saw a highly successful 2019, making an impact in critical areas, including workforce housing, financial literacy, and college savings.
By the end of 2019, NWCUF will have awarded $620,000 in workforce housing grants to launch credit union-led, innovative solutions that tackle housing hurdles within their communities.
The Foundation also assisted credit unions in providing financial education to more than 3,500 young people throughout the region.
In addition, throughout 2019, the Foundation leveraged $165,000 in grant support from philanthropic partners for credit union-led initiatives. Those grants allowed the Foundation to build upon donor dollars to offer even more resources, including the security deposit loan pilot program. Three Portland-area credit unions are now offering the loan program to renters in the area, helping residents afford housing costs in a market where monthly rental rates have risen significantly.
“This important work wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of credit unions, donors, and our partners,” said Sharee Adkins, NWCUF Executive Director. “We saw huge strides in 2019 because they gave – in time, expertise, and donations – and we sincerely thank them.”
The Foundation will continue to focus on several priorities, including workforce housing, financial literacy, rural financial access, disaster relief, and career development support of credit union professionals in 2020.
To learn more about the Foundation and its work, visit the Donor Impact Report online. Want to get involved? Contact Foundation Executive Director, Sharee Adkins, at 206-340-4823.
Posted in Asset Building.