Foundation News
United Way of Treasure Valley CEO Nora Carpenter Joins Board
Posted by Ben Shuey on November 30, 2021

The Northwest Credit Union Foundation will formally welcome Nora Carpenter, President and CEO of the United Way of Treasure Valley, to its Board of Directors at its annual Friends of the Foundation Membership meeting on Dec. 14.
A resident of Boise, Idaho, Carpenter brings a long history of nonprofit leadership and board service to her new role, according to NWCUF Executive Director Sharee Adkins. The Foundation Board elected Carpenter to the position by acclamation earlier this year.
“Every day, Northwest credit unions strive to create a positive impact in the lives of their members and the communities they serve,” Adkins said. “As a partner to credit unions, Nora understands that through collaboration credit unions can have a huge impact on some the most daunting challenges facing society today. She has the proven experience, influence, and leadership qualities to enhance and compliment the current skills and backgrounds of the NWCUF Board in their effort to champion, expand, and accelerate the positive impact of Northwest credit unions.”
Adkins said Carpenter has extensive experience as an executive, nonprofit board member, and volunteer in work the Foundation focuses on, including programs and services benefitting individuals seeking upward economic mobility and stability. Carpenter’s deep knowledge of Northwest demographics, expertise in serving hard-to-serve populations, and access to high-value data will complement NWCUF’s efforts to help Northwest credit unions reach underserved consumers and communities with financial services.
In addition to leading the United Way of Treasure Valley since 2012, Carpenter previously served as Executive Director and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Idaho; Senior Vice President of Capacity Building at the Council of Better Business Bureaus in Arlington, Virginia; and Executive Director and CEO of Better Business Bureau of Southwest Idaho. She also serves on several committees and task forces in the region dealing with issues like homelessness, childcare, education, and transit.
“As a personal and business member of several local and regional credit unions, I am inspired by the mission and personal success programs of the Credit Union Movement,” Carpenter said. “It’s an honor to help credit unions expand their services to the traditionally underserved and to the underbanked areas of our region. I welcome the opportunity to support the Credit Union Movement across the Northwest and provide whatever knowledge, perspective and information of value to support the success of the Northwest Credit Union Foundation’s work.”
Posted in Foundation Board.