The GoWest Credit Union Foundation strives to be a hub for credit unions and community partners to deepen our understanding of the barriers and solutions to addressing the financial health and well-being of people and communities in the Northwest.
The following recommended resources are excellent sources for data, analysis, and insights on a variety of topics related to the financial stability of households.
As a global organization providing thought-leadership and driving change through dialogue, leadership, and action. Provides research, insights, and events focused on business, communications, culture, environment, health, justice, development, philanthropy, and global affairs.
The City Health Dashboard offers a tool to build location-based dashboards with several metrics including health outcomes, social and economic factors, health behavior, physical environment, and clinical care.
The United Way’s ALICE data is focused on Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed households – those households with incomes above the poverty line but not high enough to afford essentials where they live. ALICE reports break down financial hardship data by state.