Foundation News
Want to Bring Bite of Reality to Students Remotely?
Posted by Ben Shuey on September 8, 2020

Bite of Reality, a popular app used during Financial Reality Fairs to help young adults learn real-world budgeting skills, has gone virtual for the 2020-2021 school year. Credit unions interested in hosting the fairs won’t want to miss a virtual walk-through of the program to learn more.
The Northwest Credit Union Foundation will host a walk-through of Bite of Reality Remote via Zoom on Thursday, Sept. 17, 9 a.m. PDT (10 a.m. MDT), to answer questions and provide resources.
With Bite of Reality Remote, credit unions don’t need a venue, kit, or volunteers. All participants are able to run through exercises together at the same time via video call. For easy access, participating students can download the BOR2 app directly to their phones or tablets.
Credit unions are invited to join NWCUF Program and Development Coordinator, Maija Noll, for a demonstration of how to deliver this resource in a virtual environment. She’ll answer questions and provide insight on hosting a remote Financial Reality Fair.
Click here to register.
Have a question or comment about this story? Please contact Maija Noll.
Posted in Asset Building, Financial Reality Fairs.