Foundation News
Rural Access Planning Grant Applications Due March 26
Posted by Ben Shuey on March 9, 2021

Credit unions across the Northwest are developing innovative programs, products, and services to increase access and affordability to financial services across rural areas.
In January, the Northwest Credit Union Foundation launched the Rural Access to Financial Services Initiative to support this important work. As part of the initiative, NWCUF is seeking innovative solutions from credit unions through a competitive planning grant opportunity. Grant applications are due by March 26.
Planning grants of up to $15,000 will be awarded to support the exploration of rural population needs or identify a local challenge faced by residents in rural communities. Grant funds will assist a credit union or credit union collaboration in developing an action plan to pilot a solution that promotes financial health in rural areas. Plans should be specifically designed to identify and address a unique challenge faced by a rural community and be broadly accepted by local stakeholders.
More information about the initiative and planning grant details may be found online. For assistance or feedback on your proposal, please contact NWCUF Program Director, Claire Hendrix.
Posted in Asset Building.